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New English Translation


- We support non-vowled Hebrew characters, i.e. Hebrew consonants, or unaccented Greek characters for searching Hebrew or Greek texts, as typing voweled Hebrew words or accented Greek words are extremely difficult, if not impossible, in mobile devices.
- We support standard Structured Query Language.
- A table containing a particular bible text is SELECTed WHERE you can customise filter(s) for your search.
- The SELECTed table has a total of four columns: "Book", "Chapter", "Verse" and "Scripture".
- "Book", "Chapter" and "Verse" are integers, storing book, chapter and verse numbers of bible verses.
- "Scripture" is the text of the bible verse, referred by "Book", "Chapter" and "Verse" of the same row.
- With this in mind, you can freely search the bible text as you like.
- For examples:
- To search for verses containing both "God" and "love", type "Scripture LIKE '%God%' AND Scripture LIKE '%love%'" and sumbit a search.
- To search for verses containing either "Jesus" or "Christ", type "Scripture LIKE '%Jesus%' OR Scripture LIKE '%Christ%'" and sumbit a search.
- To search for verses containing "Jesus" but NOT "Satan", type "Scripture LIKE '%Jesus%' AND Scripture NOT LIKE '%Satan%'" and sumbit a search.
- To search for verses containing "Jesus" ONLY in the book of "John", type "Book = 43 AND Scripture LIKE '%Jesus%'" and submit a search.
- To search for verses containing "Jesus" both in the book of "John" and in the book of "Matthew", type "(Book = 40 OR Book = 43) AND Scripture LIKE '%Jesus%'" and submit a search.
- To fetch all verses in chapter one of Genesis, type "Book = 1 AND Chapter = 1" and submit a search.
- To fetch a range of verses, e.g. Genesis 1:2-13, type "Book = 1 AND Chapter = 1 AND Verse BETWEEN 2 AND 13" and submit a search.
- Use of SQLite is very popular, you may search for more query examples from internet.
- Please be reminded to use single quotation ' instead of double quotation " for your search when you need to use quotation marks.
- With this feature in place, you can freely search the SELECTed bible without limitations.

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