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Hebrew & Greek Morphology


Hebrew & Greek Morphology


- We supports standard Structured Query Language.
- A table containing Hebrew & Greek morphology is SELECTed WHERE you can customise filter(s) for your search.
- There are a total of 9 columns, i.e. "WordID", "ClauseID", "Book", "Chapter", "Verse", "Word", "LexicalEntry", "MorphologyCode" and "Morphology".
- The first five are integers and the rest are texts.
- With this in mind, you can freely search our morphology database on biblical Hebrew and Greek.
- For examples [do NOT include enclosed double-quotation marks in the following examples]:
- "LexicalEntry LIKE '%E70020,%'"
- "LexicalEntry LIKE '%E70020,%' AND MorphologyCode = 'verb.qal.wayq.p1.u.sg'"
- "LexicalEntry LIKE '%E70020,%' AND Morphology LIKE '%third person%'"
- "LexicalEntry LIKE '%E70020,%' AND Morphology LIKE '%third person%' AND (Book = 9 OR Book = 10)"
- "LexicalEntry LIKE '%H1254,%'"
- "LexicalEntry LIKE '%H1254,%' AND MorphologyCode = 'verb.qal.wayq.p1.u.sg'"
- "LexicalEntry LIKE '%H1254,%' AND Morphology LIKE '%perfect%'"
- "LexicalEntry LIKE '%H1254,%' AND Morphology LIKE '%perfect%' AND Book BETWEEN 1 AND 5"
- "LexicalEntry LIKE '%G2424,%' AND Morphology LIKE '%Vocative%'"
- "LexicalEntry LIKE '%G1096,%' AND MorphologyCode = 'V-2RAI-1S'"
- "LexicalEntry LIKE '%G1096,%' AND MorphologyCode = 'V-2RAI-1S' AND Book = 46"
- "LexicalEntry LIKE '%G1080,%' AND (Morphology LIKE '%peRfect%' OR Morphology LIKE '%Present%') AND Morphology NOT LIKE '%Singular%'"
- [We will write more examples here.]
- Use of SQLite is very popular, you may search for more query examples from internet.
- Please be reminded to use single quotation ' instead of double quotation " for your search when you need to use quotation marks.
- With this feature in place, you can freely search the SELECTed bible without limitations.

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